Garrards London are specialists in business coaching, business development and expansion. Our expert team are dedicated to your success, working closely with business owners to define goals to achieve your personal vision.

Our Experience

With over 30 years’ experience in building strong business models and mentoring businessowners, Garrards London has a rich history in identifying and nurturing successful businesses.

Founded and led by Steven Kakoliris, who has significant experience in large scale Retail and Wholesale industries as well as construction of purpose-built structures, our team is positioned to help you grow, innovate and your achieve your business goals.


Steven Kakoliris

Business Start-up

Business Start-up

Bespoke advice to help your new business succeed
Succession Planning

Succession Planning

A tailored approach to setting you up for the lifestyle you dream of
Product Sourcing

Product Sourcing

Harness our network of international and local suppliers


Whether you’re an existing business owner or launching a new venture, our coaching and mentoring solutions will help you and your business thrive.

With your personal vision at the heart of everything we do, we’re committed to helping you identify, set and achieve your personal and business goals.

Whether you need some guidance setting up your business or are looking for a mentor to help you grow as a business leader, we work with you to create a bespoke approach to coaching or mentoring.

1:1 Coaching

1:1 Coaching

Goal-setting and strategic direction, ideal for established businesses and business owners
Business Mentoring

Business Mentoring

One-on-one personal business guidance and advice from our team of experts


Intensive sessions designed to bring clarity and focus to your business strategy




1 – Don’t be afraid to try it

Just because you try it doesn’t mean you can’t go back if it’s not for you.

2 – Set aside a little nest egg

The first thing you must do is set aside a good portion of income to make sure you have something put away so you can enjoy the process of business-building, meeting people and doing the work. You need to have yourself well resourced because you are starting a business! The money is excellent in running your own business independently, but it may take a few months for it to be regular. Set aside a good portion of income so that you can enjoy the breaks and enjoy the process of business-building, meeting people and doing rewarding work.

3 – Define your specialty

When you start on your own as an independent business owner, you have to define what you’re going to be known for. This doesn’t have to occur from the start, you can build this focus over a number of projects. Even if you start as a generalist, look to specialise in something and do it really well.

4 – Manage your time and workflow

In the beginning I took on too many projects, I think partly because I didn’t want to turn down work, but also because I hadn’t quite worked out how busy I would be. In the past year, I’ve learned a lot about how to balance my workflow and manage my time. I still have deadlines to meet but I do have the flexibility to determine how many projects I’m working on and can decide my own downtime. 

5 – Take the time to develop your own brand

When you’re an independent business owner, you use similar skills as well as leverage the experience you had in a firm, if you’re a beginner my recommendation is to chose same minded coach or mentor for yourself, but you also have to ensure you focus on building your own reputation. It’s really important that in the back of your mind you have an “I can do it, I will do it, it must succeed” mindset – because it’s your reputation on the line. In the end, you must always remember that business owner is a customer service industry

6 – Be strict with yourself

To help ensure I meet my Customer Service commitments while also maximizing family time, I find it useful to stick to a schedule. In the morning, up until 7.30am it’s my family time and I make sure I’m home or finished work by 6.15pm. The rest of the evening is then spent playing with my Son and daughters, making dinner and spending time with my partner.

7 – Take advantage of the slow times

One of the hardest things to get used to when first becoming independent is the downtime. You panic and get worried that you won’t find another project. Don’t! In the time I’ve been working independently I’ve seen that you definitely go through cycles and you do in fact create your own cycles, so don’t be afraid if things get slow. Things pick up again so take advantage of those times and enjoy them. Use this time to focus on what’s coming next and taking a well-earned break.

8 – Do it for the right reasons

If you’re going to go owning your business independently, you have to do it for the right reasons. You’ll probably end up making more money but don’t let that be the deciding factor. Do it because it cultivates something that you want in your life, whether that be greater flexibility, more autonomy or managing your own clients. Do it for one of those reasons, for me it was the variety and lifestyle.

9 – It’s what you make of it

The freedom you have as an independent business owner can be both challenging and rewarding, because you’re responsible for your own success. This responsibility and ownership is something that is to be embraced, and I find it one of the absolute joys of this experience. It gives me the freedom of choice, the ability to choose when and where I work and I’m now always able to make family commitments easily. And being solely responsible for clients is professionally, personally and financially very rewarding.

10 – If we can do it, so can you!


    When you require someone to see the trees, and then also to see the forest and then also to see the planet,
    and at the same time to see the branches and the leaves then you need Garrards London. Garrards London not only sees all this about your business
    but Garrards London can effectively communicate what they see about your business and ensure your business exceeds all expectations.
    The skillset delivered by Garrards London is an accumulation of a journey exceeding three decades.
    Garrards London first pick for your team.
    George Leonidas
  • “Garrards London have the ability to look outside the square”

    Garrards London have proven to be reliable, creative and considerate. Not only do they possess accounting knowledge, but comprehensive legal requirements.
    The ability to look outside the square formed a very positive opinion not only professionally but personally.
    Lan Nguyen
  • Garrards London goes the extra mile, delivering excellence and speed.

    It has been a pleasure to work with you Steven, on consultation and implementation for my business.
    I needed to be able to trust someone who knew what they were doing. Not only do you have incredible intelligence like the multi-million -dollar men I have read about, but you have an incredible power, confidence and knowledge due to your own real-life stories and experiences.
    I appreciate that you listened to my concerns and desire of what I want out of my business. You returned with solutions and implemented the new strategies supportively holding my hand all the way through a step by step process.
    Chantelle Bouris


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    The best place to begin is by completing our Financial Health Check. This five minute questionnaire will help us determine the overall health and financial health of your business.

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    Garrards London

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    At Garrards, we value our relationships, now and for the future.  We put loyalty and integrity in all that we do and are committed to delivering the best possible outcome.  For more information on the range of services, products and opportunities get in touch.  Whatever it is, we look forward to hearing from you so we can help.

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